Our ownership team takes great pride in the consistency and quality of our cigars. Prior to every delivery we personally inspect each individual cigar, the box, and packaging. Our boxes are handcrafted out of american aromatic cedar to perfectly fit the size of cigars you ordered and ensure the minimum amount of movement during shipping. Furthermore, we ensure that every box is sent with a Boveda 69 Pak to ensure the perfect humudity during shipment.
Our in-stock items typically ship from our factory within one week of payment confirmation and will generally take 5 - 7 business days in the continental United States. Canadian and International shipping timelines may vary and we will provide an estimated delivery time once your in order has been placed. Usually international orders take from two to four weeks from date of order. If you have any questions about the delivery timeline, please email us in advance at sales@vivontecigars.com.
All orders processed by Vivonté will be confirmed via email with all relative tracking information.